Intro to Acupuncture: Start Here
I absolutely love acupuncture. But I only get about an hour each session to spend with people and that is not enough time to impart everything I know.
Which is the main reason I created this blog, to teach you the tips, tricks and ‘try this at home’ advice I’ve gathered over the years.
Just search for Intro to Acupuncture tags and you’ll learn all sorts of useful things. But before you do, you need to know the following:
If you’re brand new to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and you don’t know what Qi is, here is a quick primer.
When an acupuncturist discusses your organs, we mean the energetic nature of the organ, not the physical organ itself. For instance, if we say that you have “weak Lungs” we’re NOT referring to your actual organ. This is a common cause of distress and I don’t want to perpetuate any fear by not clarifying.
To help discern when I’m talking about your actual organ vs your “energetic organ” I will capitalize Lung when talking about the acupuncture version, and when I’m talking about the physical organ it will remain in lower case.
When I give lifestyle/food suggestions, they are just that. Suggestions. It doesn’t mean you have to follow them 100% all of the time. You don’t even have to follow it any percent of the time. Because trying to cure a health issue by adding stress to your life is never a good plan of action.
And lastly, if you have a question or want clarification reach out to me. I’m here to help you.