
April Shewan April Shewan

What Are Persephone Days? Understanding Seasonal Light Shifts

As the days get shorter and the light begins to fade, many of us in New England start to feel the effects of the seasonal shift. But there's good news—there are simple ways to prepare your body and mind for the darker months ahead. Check out these easy tips to stay balanced and boost your energy before winter hits

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April Shewan April Shewan

Do You Say Yes to THings that Are NO?

Ever feel like you're constantly saying yes when you really want to say no? That one simple "yes" could be costing you your time, peace of mind, and the projects you're most passionate about.

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April Shewan April Shewan

Why One Symptom Isn’t the Full Story

Think one symptom tells the whole story? Think again. Before you reach for that TikTok-approved supplement, remember that your health is more complex than a single symptom. Discover why looking at the big picture—you as a whole person—matters for real solutions.

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April Shewan April Shewan

Symptom ≠ Solution

Think you’ve found the perfect remedy? Think again. One symptom can have countless causes, and misdiagnosing it could do more harm than good. Learn why getting to the root of your health issues is crucial for true healing.

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April Shewan April Shewan

You are Enough

Tired of feeling like you're not enough? Discover 3 simple steps to silence your inner critic and embrace self-compassion. This empowering blog post shares practical tips to overcome the "not enough" mindset and cultivate a healthier relationship with yourself.

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April Shewan April Shewan

FORSYTHIA: Nature’s Secret Weapon to Fight Colds Naturally

Discover the secret powers of Forsythia, the vibrant spring flower that's more than just a pretty sight. Learn how this traditional Chinese herb can transform your approach to fighting colds and boosting your immune system, just in time for the changing seasons.

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April Shewan April Shewan

The Power of And

Tired of feeling like you're constantly battling yourself? Sick of the nagging "shoulds" in your head? Discover the simple word that can help you finally find peace with your own mixed emotions.

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April Shewan April Shewan

Emotional Pain Causes Physical Pain

Tried everything and it still hurts?

This article dives into 3 simple steps to finally untangle the what’s causing your pain - so you can start to feel better.

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April Shewan April Shewan

Winter Wellness: Embracing Your Superpower

Feeling stuck in a rut? Wishing you had more willpower to chase your dreams? This blog post dives into the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine to reveal how your kidneys hold the key to unlocking your inner strength. Discover how to stoke your inner fire, conquer fear, and stay true to your convictions. It's time to unleash your superpower!

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