Wisdom Wednesday - The Little Mermaid Edition

When The Little Mermaid was released in 1989 I was studying to be a marine biologist. During that time I pushed up against a lot of resistance because I was a woman (and a young one to boot).

It was still relatively uncommon to see women in science. Many people wanted to keep it that way so on top of a demanding course load (looking at you organic chemistry) I often had to deal with professors, and my fellow students, saying all sorts of sexist BS.

And at the core of the comments was the idea that I wasn’t capable. That women didn’t belong.

Which is probably why I fell head over heels in love with Ariel. I mean, first off, it had that whole Under the Sea song and HELLO I was studying marine biology. But also, she didn’t quit. She didn’t give up on her dreams no matter what people thought of them. And she believed that she could accomplish them.

I too clung to my dreams and found a way. I beat the odds and graduated (with honors to boot). I then found a job during a recession in a field that even in the best of times was difficult to get hired in, and I went on to accomplish things that hadn’t been done in decades. So much so that I made national news.

If I had listened to those who told me that my goals weren’t feasible, none of that would have happened.

So I encourage you to give it a shot.

Go after your dreams.

And in the process, blow your own mind at what you're capable of.

P. S. - You don’t have to do it all by yourself. If you’d like your own personal cheerleader to aid you on your quest. Reach out to me. I can help you.


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