A Bit About My Mornings

Candle Time

That’s what my family calls this thing I do where I light a candle and take a few minutes to figure out how I want to spend my day.

I never thought I’d be a candle time person. I was more the ‘build the plane while it’s flying’ type. But over the past few years I’ve been intentionally taking a few moments before the chaos of the day took over.

How did this happen?


Candle time didn’t start out perfectly. It started out with random scraps of paper where I would jot down my thoughts. It looked like breathing deeply at every red light I drove up to. It was taking a minute to look up from my phone while in line at the supermarket.

It was a gradual shift of a bunch of little changes that all came together to help me find some time just for myself.

The biggest obstacle I watch people face is trying to start at the end.

Instead start where you are. Don’t try to make it perfect. Pick one tiny thing you can do to carve out a little bit of time for yourself.

And if that seems impossible - start by scheduling a coaching consultation.

Because you don’t have to figure it all out on your own.


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