Choose Your Quest
Notice how I said quest, not quests?
I know it sounds fun to decide that this year is going to be different, you’re going to have a morning routine where you journal, meditate and exercise - all while giving up caffeine and gluten.
But that path leads to failure.
Why? Because each and every one of those changes needs a plan.
You have to decide:
What time do you need to get up to fit all of this in?
What type of exercise do you intend to do?
Where are you going to do that exercise?
Do you have clothing for it?
Where is the journal? And what the heck are you writing in it?
This isn’t even a full list of all the decisions you’d have to make, all before your gluten free breakfast (and without the aid of caffeine).
Trying to plan too many things at once leads to decision fatigue and overwhelm. I know that restraint can feel rather constraining, but trust me on this, okay?
Simple changes made consistently over time will lead to big results.
Think of it like compound interest for goal achievement.
Here’s what we’re going to do instead. Pick ONE thing that you’d like to work on. Don’t overthink this, just pick the first thing that comes to your mind.
If you’re unsure what to pick make a list of 5 things and read the blog next week. I’ll explain how to examine your “why” which will help you pick your goal.
Want a companion on your quest? Book your free coaching consultation.
I can help you.